Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ok, I know I'm wierd and you all kno this but I want ANYONE who sees this to do this. Say the word FPOON out loud. Then post a comment. I just want to see how many people I can get to do this. If you master this try saying "ITS THE ONLY SOKWID U CAN EAT WITH A FPOON"!!!!!!!

Just try it please............fur Its kinda fun!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Our school did a fundraiser for a program for people who need help buying gifts for their kids. That is actually more than you think. We set out jars for a week and the students would drop spare change in. The teacher who had the top 3 amount would get pied in front of the whole school. They announced the winners and the princable, some other teacher (aka the soccer coach) and the English teacher are getting pied on thursday! So see if they will do this at the school you go to. ORRRR.........If you are homechooled try your mom or dad and then go donate the money to the bell-ringing people because it still goes to a good cause! This goes out to any student who has ever been given too much homework by a teacher or for a kid who thinks the princable is out to get them.