Friday, June 27, 2008


Once again, I am slow on blogging. This was the Christmas gift I gave to my BFF. I thought this was a good idea because our family doesn't have extra $$ to spend on tons of gifts and a homemade gift always seems to stick with you longer. So this was from a wooden plack that was lying around the house. Yes-artists in the house, you do seem to find objects like this lying in one of the multiple craft bins somewhere. So then I painted it a lovely pink because that is her favorite color. And I painted lighter pink hearts in the background. IDK why, I don't like it that way, but it seemed like a good idea at the time...
Then I gave it a black border because black seems to go well with pink and printed on photo paper one of my fave pix of Good Charlotte, our fave band. I also printed out the logo and her name and stuck those on for a collage-y effect. Put a coat of diamond glaze and Voila! A lovely art project that is now adorning her pink bedroom wall!
I just thought I would out some of my artsy stuff up. Not all because I dont have picture of all but here is some of it...
This is a gift I did for my friend Jasons birthday. I think he liked it alot...I used a canvas and bright green and black paint. The letters are from microsoft word. I did a rubbing and painted them in. I then highlighted little points in the pic in clear glitter to give it not sparkle but BLING!!!! lol.