Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh-Mi-Gawd!!!!I know I know...how totally preppy of me...OMG and everything. BUT-OMG!!!! How did I never hear of these guys before?!?!?!? I was bored and I thought since I was on the computer and had access to internet that was actually FAST! I would do some yooooouuuu-tubin'. Wellll, I couldnt think of any good bands to listen to because I have been out of the 'rock loop' so long that of course I thought of AP Magazine. Sooo-I went on the site and they had these guys listed. OMG!!!!
They are like a cross between IDK something like Metro Station *yuck* and like frickin Manson...*heart*
End of story!


Jillian said...

Tag UR it!
See my blog for info!

Jillian said...
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Lily-Pagan said...

tag!! ur it!!
see Jillian's blog for the details!!