Monday, December 22, 2008

Rafiella the Rat
This is Rafiella. I adopted her from Beverly Animal Shelter in late November. I liked her right off because of her really unique markings. She had a light grey purple hood and red eyes. She also had those big old ears I cant resist. Unfortunately, Beverly's Animal Shelter seemed to be careless about there rats because to them they just give the extra rats to the snakes. Rafiella who was a hooded crossed with something that was really small because she was tiny when I got her and she was almost a year old. They were careless and they put her in the same tank as a jumbo male rat. And let me tell you, I saw that guy! He was HUGE!!!
Rafiella in these pictures doesn't look too healthy because she was pregnant. I got bit sooo hard by her because of her temper change that my top of my thumb lost feeling and it was wayyy deep, everyone thought I needed stitches.
She SUFFERED for 3 weeks because she was trying to carry 8 jumbo crossed babies. They were way to big for her. Unfortunately there was nothing I could do for her because I had no money to spend $100-150 for them to tell me she was pregnant. I knew it already. She gave birth to all 8 babies and they were huge and all came out dead. She then still had labored breath for 3 days after and was in severe pain. I again, felt soooooo horrible that I couldn't do anything for her. She died late at night while I held her talking to her.
I am sorry to say that. I just hope that she is up there with Brisby and has a bunch of healthy angel babies. :)
THIS is the appitamy of animal abuse to me. To force an animal to suffer because of your foolishness. And I don't care if it is a bug, a cat, a mouse, a dog, or a horse. It is still a living breathing thing with feelings and deserves to be treated with some respect. Im not saying to humanize animals, cuz I don't think that's right either. I'm just saying DON'T EVER make an animal suffer and die because of your carelessness. And it just made me ESPECIALLY sad and mad that Beverly's calls themselves a NO KILL shelter. And then just feeds off extra animals. But because they aren't killing them there it, what? doesn't count? Does that mean I can poison you and walk out of the room? IDK, I just thought I would share my extremely sad and miserable experience. :(

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