Monday, December 22, 2008

Okay I never did actually blog about my 14th birthday party and it was frickin awesome so I thought I WOULD! We had a Rock N Roll theme. Everyone got "backstage passes" and we hung my sister and my rock posters all over my family room. I made a big decoration out of own one wall, I hung old CDs that dont work anymore and black and green music notes around a big Happy Birthday sign. We had rock music and Jojo brought over guitar hero and my friend Ravyn brought over her Wii . We had strobe lights and a rock trivia game made by me. Richard "Nichard", Zach, Jojo, Ravyn, Elanee Ben, and Maya were the guests.
My mom and Elanee were the bouncers! We had a blast!!!!TOTAL DORKS!!! SUCH FUN!!!

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