Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Okay so no pictures yet...but I FINALLY got to hang with Adam! YEAHS!!! Happy dance! So first he kidnapped me from the library, we (me, him, and his mom) went to Garcia's for dinner and then we went to go see Angels and Demons. Which was a really good movie, btw. Just incase anyone was planning on seeing it. I was totally surprised cuz I didnt even realize he was in New York! I *kinda* tackled him when I saw him, but I dont care cuz I missed him WAYYY too much! So there...I dont really think he was too bothered, lol. We had alot of fun...and I really enjoyed being in his company.
Thennnn-I invited him to Elanee's birthday party. (happy birthday, elanee!!!) We all chilled around and roasted marshmellows...well kinda. Mostly we ate them "raw" or whatever you call an uncooked marshmellows. lol. Adam, Ravyn, and I hung out outside while everyone else went inside to be crazy. We sat around at like 11 at night listening to AFI and talking about anything. His dad finally picked him up at like 1am, I was so tired that by 2 I was asleep lol.
Acouple days later, Elanee spontaneously decided to go see "Dance Flick" and so I called Adam to see if he wanted to see it. I kinda figured he wouldnt want to cuz he would have thought it was lame...but while I was (IN MY PAJAMAS) at the neighbors he showed up at muh house. I was already over there so I was like "Hey Ravyn want to go see a movie?" That movie was so freaking funny and SO worth it cuz I am over-obsessed with dance movies, and so to see then ripped to shreds was somewhat entertaining. Anyways...we had a great time!
After that we all went back to my house and started messing around in the yard. Adam got my purse stuck in a tree...moron.
When we finallly got it out I realized that a bottle of black nail polish had broken inside of it and everything I own was covered in it. Oh joy...
I walked him down the street where he was meeting his family and some friends.
Basically...I have the best friend ever...step off.
Monday, May 11, 2009

When we went to SC, we went to a beach. I couldn't swim that day but I did waddle out into the ocean a bit just to my knees and the rest of the time I spent with my mother. We walked along the side of the ocean while everyone else swam. We seriously found some freaky critters including live starfish and live sea urchin! I haven't ever seen that kinda stuff up close!!! It was sooo cool! I found quite a few funky shells!

My mom and I spent a day at the Ithaca at the Farmers Market. It was Earth Day so there was a whole festival going on with TONS of people! We worked the Art In Ithaca booth and answered questions. Then we ate Cambodian food which was REALLY REALLY REALLY good!!!! And we just had a blast spending the day together!

Man I think I forgot what real art is all about. But that was all refreshed when I walked into this museum of REAL honest to blog Norman Rockwell paintings. Some were so ridiculously real looking you wanted to touch the chunky paint! AHHHH! It was amazing! But-no cameras allowed so here we are squeezing together for a picture. BUT IT WAS JUST AMAZING!!! Anyone who has the chance to go-artist or not-GO!

Elanee looked SO pretty and feminine. Here she is posed with that hot makeup artist...uh whats her name...oh yeah, Vayda :) I was so tired after all that, but did the party stop for me? Oh no-they went off and so did the parents and then I was home cleaning all the whirl-wind mess of leftover primping AND watching 3 kids under 11. Hmmm...I guess I can send my sympathies to mothers now!

Yes, Heather and my mom, Carrie did DRESS-UP for karaoke! They are freaks! Oh oh oh and they made a music video! And that will be posted soon so I will put up the link when I have it for YouTube! They had allot of fun and even had there own backup dancers, granted they were 7 and 9yrs old...anyways. It was fun!!! We got the disco-ball going and everything.
They looked pretty hot I have to admit and they really rocked the 80's tunes, because EVERYONE sucks at karaoke!!!

I know this doesnt look like a happy picture but its because I wasnt feeling too great. But anyways- we went to VIRGINIA! We visited my gram-mommy and Aunt Judy. We got to hang with my Uncle Cameron and my cousin Mac. It was an awesome time and we got to hike up the side of a mountain (hense the unhappy picture). All in all it was an awesome time.
Please see my moms family blog to get more information.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So enjoy the lol's.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Yeah I know its lame to post ur results to quizzes but I am anyways so whatever! Its my dang there.
What Color Do Your Eyes Reflect? - Your eyes reflect the color Blue. You are a very calm and idealistic. You have many dreams and aspirations that you want to fullfill. You are a creative person and are very interested in things and people that are different from you. You have an urge to be noticed by people and you have natural talents. you like to express yourself in many ways and you think about life alot. You tend to be the motivater in a group and you dont have a solid opinion on things. Because you dont have solid opinions you do not like to choose between things. You can also be forgetful and lazy at times. You like to be alone sometimes. and you can be worried and sad about many things. In all you are Deep and Idealistic.
This one actually works...
What Disney Villian Are You? - You are Ursula! You are obsessed with the power of the sea and know the importance of a beautiful voice. The little shriveled creatures you turn merpeople into are really disgusting! Good thing they were all freed at the end :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 02, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009